Secure, trusted, modern messaging
with your own Cognitive Messenger™
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Sesame establishes your legal right to own all of your data and messages. This means you can always take your property back.
Disable Forwarding. Go off the record. Control who can save your messages to their device. Unsend at any time. Set messages to expire based on time or views. And much more. Modern messaging necessitates nuance and customized control.
Each thread is uniquely encrypted end-to-end with multiple personalized keys, making it nearly impossible for anyone to hack into your messages.
Delete your messages off of remote devices (recipients) at any time, even years later. Your messages, pictures, and files remain yours even after pressing 'Send'.
We use Cognitive Computing and your own Personal Cognitive Agents™ to maintain a continual awareness of compliance with the permissions you set governing each thread, giving you piece of mind that we always have your back, 24/7/365.
Run your own independent audit of compliance at any time to assure that all your permissions have been followed.
The messenger with your own personal Messenger & Guardian:
a Personal Cognitive Agent™ assigned just to you, and only you.
A self-aware software program acting in an exclusive agency relationship with you;
a personal assistant working on your behalf.
Your Personal Cognitive Security Staff.
Your personal agent is aware of itself and the changes in state of people, processes, events, objects, and states of affairs around it. It's like having your own eyeballs constantly staring at your information to make sure no one hacks into or otherwise abuses your permissions, ever.
Secure transport, lightning fast.
Your agents shepherd every message you send, assuring that your messages---your property---are protected throughout delivery, end-to-end, for the entire life of the message.
Yours, only yours.
Your agents are assigned only to you, forever. They evaluate and audit according to your unique perspective, assuring you the independent validation and trust you need to communicate freely.
We understand the nuances of modern communication. Customize Sesame according to your unique needs.
Our team has over 100 combined years of experience building successful projects, technologies, and businesses with organizations like NASA, IBM, GE, Lockheed Martin, PayPal, Nike, Arthur Andersen, Google, Microsoft, European Space Agency, Department of Transportation, Ford, Fidelity, Chrysler, and Ned Davis Research. Our experience is your peace of mind.
We've got some very exciting updates coming up soon. Stay in touch so you don't miss out on anything.
1000000+ new Cyber Attacks every day. Be one less.
Become a Part of a New Generation of Privacy, Security, Trust & Ownership