Here is our Privacy Policy. It's important to you and it's important to us.
Posted February 1st, 2016
This notice describes the Privacy Policy that applies to all information collected or submitted when you install or use the Sesame Messenger application or any of the other proprietary software applications or services we provide, and when you visit our website (all of which are referred to collectively herein as the “Feed Technologies”). The Feed Technologies are owned and operated by Feed, Inc. (referred to herein as “we,” “us,” “our,” or “Feed”), which has developed applications and services for use in connection with a variety of devices and platforms.
We understand your concerns about privacy. We want you to understand what types of information we collect and what may happen to that information if you install the Sesame Messenger application, visit the Feed Website or use any of the Feed Technologies.
If you have questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, you should contact us at Sesame Support. Alternatively, you may contact us at:
Feed, Inc.
535 Mission Street
14th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
You are not required to create a user account or provide any personal information in order to visit the Feed website. You are required to create a user account, however, to use our application or access certain portions of our website. During registration, you are required to provide a first and last name that other Sesame users are able to associate with messages from you and that Feed will use to administer your account. You will also be required to create a unique password conforming to security policies Feed will define. Feed will create a hash of your password that our systems will use to enable you to access your account, but we will not store the password itself on our servers. You will also be required to create a unique pass phrase conforming to Feed security policies. It is very important that you record and remember this unique pass phrase because you will need it to change your password for personal account security purposes and to create a new password if you ever forget your password. If you forget both your password and your pass phrase Feed has no way of recovering either of them for you. The terrible result of losing both your password and pass phrase is that you will not be able to access the personal Sesame assistant created exclusively for that account and you will not be able to access any of the personal data and information comprising the Personal Data Asset associated with that account. You will also be required to provide a valid email address or phone number. These data will be used to enable you to manage your Sesame account and receive Sesame messages from other Sesame users. Feed will use the phone number and/or email address you provide to communicate with you.
If you choose to utilize our secure messaging service to communicate with another person, we will ask you to provide a valid email address or phone number for that person. This information will be used to manage secure routing of your messages to that person.
We also collect information, to include first and last names, telephone numbers, email addresses and other information we may need to provide practical service to you if you contact us for support or help, or otherwise communicate with us. The information that you supply during the registration process enables us to customize and enhance the services we provide to you. In addition, it helps us communicate alerts and notifications to you about things that might affect your account or our ability to service your account.
For example, we may use your contact information to respond to your inquiries, to provide customer support, to supply products or services you have requested, and to support an opt-in directory of Registered Sesame Users to facilitate users finding other users they would like to add to their respective contact lists. If Feed does support such a directory of registered users, only the name, email and phone number you used to register that Sesame user account will be included. Users may elect to open additional Sesame accounts using other information and not opt-in to have that other account information included in such a directory. In addition, if you choose to use the Feed Technologies' secure messaging service to send content to another person, we may use the recipient's email address or telephone number or user account information to provide that service.
Registered Sesame users who opt-in to specialized Personal Data Asset services we provide can voluntarily deposit personal information of their choosing in a Personal Data Asset account maintained exclusively for them by their personal Sesame agent. It is maintained as personal private information that only you, the registered Sesame user and exclusive personal data owner can access or use. Registered Feed users will have the opportunity to opt-in to services Feed, at its sole discretion, may chose to offer to facilitate secure and private monetization opportunities for those registered users who chose to opt-in to such services. Registered Sesame users' Personal Data Assets are intended to provide each registered Sesame user with a private and secure "digital safe deposit box" in which they can deposit personal data and information of their choice for personal storage and subsequent personal use.
From time to time we may collect information from Sesame users who opt-in to participate in mini-surveys designed specifically to elicit information about topics, domains, and things that those users have a personal interest in knowing more about. We will use this information to provide specific personal services to the individual Sesame users who opt-in to participate in such personal/professional interest surveys and to receive such personal services.
The Feed Sesame Messenger mobile app provides a secure, encrypted messaging service to its users. The Feed Technologies incorporated in the Sesame Messenger enable our users to create a Sesame Personal Data Asset (PDA) from data and information curated by each user’s individually registered “Personal Sesame Agent” (“Sesame Agent”). These Personal Agents (also referred to in Sesame literature and tutorials as Personal Cognitive Agentstm, Personal Sesame Agentstm, Cognitive Personal Agentstm, Sesame Cognitive Agentstm, Cognitive Sesame Agentstm, Cognitive Agentstm, Sesame Agentstm) are software programs, owned by Feed. They are individually licensed to each registered user pursuant to the terms of Feed’s Terms of Service Agreement. You must explicitly agree to the terms of our Terms of Service Agreement to use the Sesame service.
Private User Data, which is created by users interacting with their respective Sesame Personal Cognitive Agentstm and the Personal Agent interacting with other registered users' agents and other Feed Technologies, remains the exclusive property of the individual registered user. Such Private User Data is collected by individually licensed Sesame Agentstm that are owned by Feed and stored in databases maintained by Feed on computer servers and storage devices controlled by Feed and maintained in data centers located in the United States in order to provide necessary services to Sesame users. Personal User Data remains the exclusive property of the user, and message content is always sent & stored encrypted. Messages are encrypted before leaving the user’s device. (Optional Message ‘Headers’ that detail the ‘Topic’ of a Message Thread, are unencrypted and are only input at the user’s sole discretion)
Feed may operate computer servers and storage devices in countries other than the United States to better serve users outside the United States. Sesame users will be able to determine when any of their personal data is stored or processed on servers outside the United States. Sesame users will not be able to identify data storage locations beyond the country level for security reasons.
In the future, Sesame users may choose to license some of their personal data to Feed in order for Feed to provide them with specific added value services and in consideration of users sharing in revenues generated by such services. Such services might include automated personalized brand offer discovery and qualification services, anonymized data analytics and research services, and other monetization services provided on behalf of individual users and aggregate populations of users who elect to opt-in to such services per the terms set in service-specific agreements that may be required in the future to support such services.
We also collect information about how you accessed the Feed Technologies. The types of information we collect include your browser type, device type, IP address, time zone, language, and other information related to the manner in which you access the Feed Technologies. Our use of this information is strictly limited to better understanding how Sesame users use the Sesame service so we can better plan and improve our products and services.
In addition to the methods described above, we may also collect information using cookies or other technologies. You may decline our cookies if your browser permits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features, you may be required to enter your password more frequently during a session, and you may be unable to install or use certain Feed Technologies. Cookies and other technologies make our Feed Technologies easier to use and help us customize and personalize the services we provide.
We may also use “pixel tags,” “web beacons,” “clear GIFs” or similar means (individually or collectively “Pixel Tags”) in connection with emails that we send to our users in order to collect usage data. If we use Pixel Tags, it will be to help us count users who have visited certain pages on our Websites and to help determine the effectiveness of promotional or advertising campaigns that may be presented on those websites from time to time. Feed reserves the right not to conduct promotional or advertising on its WWW sites if Feed, at its sole discretion chooses not to.
We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, which requires us to notify and obtain consent from a parent or guardian before we collect, use and disclose the personal information of anyone under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from young people under the age of 13 without such consent and if we learn that we have inadvertently done so, we will promptly delete it.
We use the information we collect to enable you to access the Feed Technologies, and to operate and improve our services. For example, we may use your contact information to respond to your inquiries, to provide customer support and to supply any products or services you have requested. In addition, if you choose to use the Feed Technologies’ secure messaging service to send content to another person, we will use the recipient’s email address or telephone number or user account information to provide that service, but we will not use such contact information for any other purpose.
In addition, where we have your consent, we may use information you provide us for the purpose of communicating with you about things you have indicated an interest in us sharing with you. This might include marketing materials and promotional messages or other information that you have indicated to us that you are interested in.
We encrypt your communications before they leave your device. Your messages can only be decrypted by the registered Sesame user you are sending it to. Feed cannot decrypt your messages on your device, in transit, or on the recipient's device. As far as we can determine, neither can a third party. We take this very seriously. In addition, we take the physical security of our servers, networks, and equipment as seriously as we take our own and your data security. We use Amazon Web Services and will use Google and other qualified professional Cloud service providers in addition to our own server and network infrastructure. We cannot guarantee that these services are immune from NSA or other US or foreign government agencies, state sponsored espionage agents, or other criminals. We can and do assure you that all personal data stored in your PDA is stored in encrypted form on encrypted storage resources. We also assure you that we employ the strictest security measures with respect to your communications. Except as set forth below, we do not share any personal information unless you expressly agree that we may do so.
Registered Sesame users are licensed to use their individually registered and licensed Personal Sesame Agent to send content to other participants using the Feed Technologies in accordance with the terms and conditional of our Terms of Service Agreement. You must explicitly agree to these terms and conditions before you can use the Sesame service. The user sets the terms and conditions governing how her/his Personal Sesame Agent will share message content or other information with any other Sesame agent it interacts with on behalf of the registered user. Each user's Personal Sesame Agent continuously and independently audits compliance with its registered user's data exchange policies by every other Sesame agent participating in data exchanges between those agents on behalf of their respective users. A log of these compliance audits is independently maintained for each registered user by their respective agents.
We keep logs of communication events triggered by registered sesame users. We do not maintain logs of the content of messages sent by registered users unless they explicitly request that service. If a registered Sesame user does request Feed to store the content of their Sesame messages, this content will be stored as encrypted content in that users Personal Data Asset (PDA) account. Feed does not have access to the decryption keys required to decrypt such content. The registered user may, if they wish, store an unencrypted copy of their message content in their PDA. Feed cannot and will not store unencrypted message content for users. Subject to the exceptions set forth below, we delete the encrypted content of user messages from our servers upon delivery to the recipient. Subject to the exceptions set forth below, we do not share encrypted message content with any third parties.
Feed may offer users opportunities to opt-in to additional services requiring additional personal data to operate. In these cases, users electing to opt-in will authorize their respective Personal Sesame Agents to expose the required data and information to support the specific requirements of the new service. The exposed data and information remains the exclusive property of the individual user unless the user dictates otherwise. Feed's use of that data to support a service will be governed by the terms of the service governing that service and offered to users. Compliance with such service-specific terms will be monitored and audited by the user's Personal Agent and Feed's agents.
In addition, if you choose to use the Feed Technologies to send an invitation to another person requesting them to register for the Sesame, we will send an email or text message on your behalf to that person with the content that you have chosen to include in your invitation.
In the event that Feed, Inc. or certain of our assets are acquired, User Data may be included among the transferred assets, subject to the license terms for such User Data provided in our Terms of Service.
Although we strive to protect the personal information of our users, we will release personal information if required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to save lives or prevent injury to persons or their property. We follow the law when we receive requests or demands related to you from a US government agency authorized in writing by a US Court of appropriate jurisdiction and satisfactory to our legal advisors. We reserve the sole right to challenge such requests in court. We reserve the right to appeal lower court rulings to a higher court. We will abide by such rulings. We will notify you when we are asked to make your personal information available to a US government agency unless we are specifically and legally prohibited from doing so. When we receive requests like this, we will only release information pertaining to you if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is necessary and appropriate under applicable law. Nothing in this policy is intended to limit any legal defenses or objections that you may have to a third party's request to disclose your information.
The registered Sesame user selects and sets the permission his/her Personal Sesame Agent will use and audit compliance with regarding the sharing of message content with the other Sesame agents it interacts with in the course of delivering the message content to the designated recipient Sesame user. The Feed Technologies permit the user sending the information to control when the content is deleted from the recipient's device. While the Feed Technologies provide this capability, you are solely responsible for understanding that some users who see the content of your messages may attempt to and succeed making an unauthorized copy against your wishes by taking a screenshot, using another camera, or other image-capture technology. Sesame will be aware of and will notify you if a recipient takes a screenshot, but we cannot guarantee that they did not copy your message by some other means. Don't send messages to people that you believe or come to believe you cannot trust.
We take the security of your communications very seriously. Your trust in our commitment to safeguarding your private information and message content underpins our business. Although we use our own proprietary technology and practices in addition to industry standard practices to protect your privacy and privately owned data, we cannot guarantee and you should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will always be immune from sophisticated State sponsored surveillance or espionage, acts of war or terrorism, or sophisticated criminal attacks. In the event of a security breach involving your personal information, we will make all legally required disclosures to you in the most expedient manner possible. In addition we will take practical measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable integrity of the data system consistent with the legitimate interests of law enforcement and National security interests.
Identity theft and the practice currently known as "phishing" are of ongoing concern to Feed. Safeguarding information to help protect you from identity theft is a top priority. We do not and will not, at any time, request your username, password, credit card information or other unique identification information in an unsolicited e-mail or telephone communication. For more information about phishing, visit the Federal Trade Commission's website.
The Feed Technologies allow you to update or change the information you provided to us during registration or that you have provided to your Personal Sesame Agent. If you have any questions about updating the information you have provided to us or your Personal Agent, please contact us at Sesame Support.
As part of our default settings, we allow registered users to opt-in to receive emails and/or texts from Feed. We will not send you emails or texts if you do not opt-in to receive them unless we believe an extraordinary circumstance exists that requires an emergency message from us.
Please note this Privacy Policy will change from time to time. Feed reserves the sole and exclusive right to make such changes as we feel necessary to assure quality service to Feed Technology users. We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended terms on our Website that you can access at All such amendments will and shall be effective immediately upon posting.
If we make changes to our Privacy Policy that affect user information already stored in our database, we will post a prominent notice on our Website notifying users that our Privacy Policy has changed.
If you have questions about any of the provisions described above, please contact us at Sesame Support or at the street address listed above.
To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.
Tony Robbins